GN23-21 Livestock and Public Access in England and Wales

There is a risk of members of the public suffering an injury from livestock when using public rights of way or access land. This risk can be exacerbated by the presence of dogs.

Periodically such cases attract media interest and raise public awareness of both the potential for injury and the possibility of claim.

This guidance considers how to manage livestock on land where there are public rights of way, or which is access land.

Additional information can be found in the Health and Safety Executive Information Sheet “Cattle and Public Access in England and Wales”: Although the Health and Safety Executive guidance focuses on cattle – because the two most common factors in incidents are cows with calves and walkers with dogs – the principles apply to other types of livestock, including horses.

Key contact:

Andrew Gillett
Andrew Gillett Chief Legal Adviser, London

GN23-21 Livestock and Public Access in England and Wales

Guidance Note
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