A message from Cath Crowther

CLA East Regional Director Cath Crowther looks ahead to her return from maternity leave
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A lot can happen in a year. Personally, with the birth of my second child and the emotional rollercoaster that can bring, but also professionally as I return to the fold at the CLA following my maternity leave. The most significant change is unquestionably the change of government and the uncertainty that can bring.

I was fortunate during my time off to attend several agricultural shows in the region, and in doing so, met numerous election candidates who have now successfully become MPs. I plan to continue this engagement and to meet many more new MPs in the coming months. This is important for discussing rural issues at a local level, but it is also an opportunity to raise awareness with MPs of the potential impacts that decisions made by central government will have on rural communities.

The CLA’s ‘Programme for Government’ document sets out the key areas where the CLA believes the focus and energy for politicians should be and, ahead of the budget, we are continuing to highlight the importance of the government committing to an annual £3.8bn farming budget to safeguard the future of our landscapes and rural businesses.

Our members are producing food, protecting and enhancing the environment, creating rural jobs and providing housing and we must protect their interests at all times. This becomes even more critical during periods of change.

We are always on the lookout for members who are willing to host MPs, and many members have kindly come forward to support our work. If you would like to be involved and not yet put yourself forward, you can contact us via east@cla.org.uk

If you have your own meetings planned with MP's we can provide CLA briefing documents on the key industry topics to support you.

I plan to be out and about once again and meeting members to hear more about your rural businesses and the issues affecting you. I return to a busy schedule of CLA events in the diary in the coming months and plan to be at the vast majority of these. From updates on the agricultural transition, to diversification seminars and industry conferences. I hope to see as many of you as possible at these.