An update on Local Nature Recovery Strategies in the East
CLA Adviser Andrew Marriott provides an overview of the latest strategy developments
Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) continue to be developed across the East and it provides a further opportunity to update members on the status of their county’s strategy as the ‘responsible authorities’ (county councils) charged with producing each document.
For any members less familiar with LNRS, this body of work was introduced under the Environment Act 2021 and requires 48 responsible authorities to produce a spatial strategy for their county that will identify opportunities for nature restoration and put forwards a range of proposals to achieve that restoration. Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is intended as one of the key delivery mechanisms for this.
Bedfordshire’s strategy is now undergoing pre-consultation approval. Supporting authorities are reviewing the draft document and are expected to consent for the project to move to public consultation by spring 2025, with the final document likely to be published in the summer.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough’s draft strategy is undergoing its final amendments and is expected to reach the pre-consultation phase in early summer 2025, with the public consultation expected to follow from July. Any amendment arising from the public consultation will be undertaken throughout autumn 2025, with the final strategy being published towards the close of the year.
The public consultation for Essex’s LNRS closed in October 2024. Feedback from the consultation is undergoing review by the responsible authority and supporting authorities, with the final draft expected to be published in summer 2025.
The public consultation for Suffolk’s LNRS is anticipated to be available from March 2025.
The public consultation for Norfolk's LNRS is anticipated to be available from March 2025.
Personnel changes within the responsible authority for Lincolnshire’s LNRS have meant that the project team is working at a reduced capacity, and the strategy is at a less advanced stage than others in the east region. It is anticipated that the public consultation will open in late summer 2025, with the potential final draft being submitted to supporting authorities for approval in the autumn, and final publication not likely before spring 2026.
The first draft for Hertfordshire’s LNRS was issued to district and borough councils towards the end of 2024, with further rounds of public engagement scheduled to take place throughout February and March. Members are encouraged to attend forthcoming events to give their views on the strategy as it continues to be developed – sign up to the Hertfordshire LNRS mailing list to stay informed of when and where these are taking place. It is expected that a draft version of the strategy will reach public consultation in summer 2025.
Nottinghamshire’s draft strategy is scheduled to be consulted on by supporting authorities from early spring 2025, with the public consultation phase expected in the summer. Subject to approval from NCC cabinet and supporting authorities, final publication of the LNRS will be in the autumn.
West Northants
The public consultation for West Northamptonshire’s LNRS is expected to open in early spring 2025. Subject to cabinet approval, and any amendments carried out as a result of the consultation, the strategy will be published in the summer.
North Northants
The public consultation for North Northamptonshire’s LNRS closed in December 2024. Since then, the responsible and supporting authorities have carried out amendments to the document, based on feedback from the consultation phase. The final document is expected to be launched, and formally adopted, in spring 2025.