CLA East stakeholder update
A brief summary of recent meetings with Lincolnshire County Council and Nottinghamshire Police
The CLA is in regular contact with police forces and local authorities across the region to ensure the issues that impact our members are raised on a regular basis.
CLA Regional Surveyor, Eleanor Willats, recently attended a Nottinghamshire police liaison meeting.
Topics discussed included the theft of GPS technology which the police team is working nationally to tackle through cross border intelligence sharing. The theft of Land Rovers is also on the rise and Chief Inspector Clive Collings advised members to park their vehicles out of public view wherever possible and to consider purchasing a demobilizing device for their vehicle as a deterrent.
The police force is in communication with Land Rover to hopefully address this issue. The Nottinghamshire team has been doing a lot of proactive work to address hare coursing and deer poaching in the county and reported back on recent charges and convictions.
Eleanor has also met with Lincolnshire County Council to discuss matters relating to Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) opportunities, nationally significant infrastructure projects (which some CLA members have raised concerns about with us) and devolution proposals.
The devolution discussions focused on engagement with landowners regarding planning, water management and investment plans for growth. The CLA also briefed council representatives on what the impacts of the Autumn Budget are on farming and rural businesses.
The CLA Advisers have more meetings planned with police forces and councils in the New Year across the region. Therefore, please get in touch if you would like to speak to one of our Regional Advisors about rural crime or council matters. Please call the CLA East office on 01638 590429.