CLA lobbying
The CLA is holding meetings with MPs across the region
The summer show season is an excellent opportunity for the CLA to raise issues of importance to our members with key political figures in parliament.
At the Suffolk Show the CLA spent several hours with Jo Churchill who is the MP for Bury St Edmunds and is also a minister for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
This included a round table discussion, hosted by the CLA, that gave our members an opportunity to discuss their thoughts about the future direction of agricultural policy, and what they believed needed to happen to make funding schemes work for them, and the wider industry.
The feedback from this discussion was noted by Defra Programme Director Janet Hughes, who also attended, and was eager to hear the views of farmers and land managers. The comments around the table were reinforced when our members also spent time at the show with other Suffolk MPs including Therese Coffey, Matt Hancock, Daniel Poulter and Peter Aldous.
The CLA will be meeting with more MPs in the coming weeks as more agricultural shows take place. If you have a topic you would like us to raise, contact