Selective Licensing for Private Landlords
West Lindsey District Council Consultation on Selective Licensing for Private Landlords Proposals
The CLA has been made aware of proposals by West Lindsey District Council to introduce a scheme known as ‘Selective Licensing for Private Landlords’.
The scheme, which West Lindsey District Council says aims to help tackle poor housing standards and improve the management of homes, is being introduced as the district continues to face an ongoing challenge to improve standards in the private rented sector.
In brief, the scheme seeks to charge private landlords £675 per property for a licence and place on the landlord additional conditions and obligations, some of which are already statutory, but several which are additional obligations. The intention is for the Licence Fee to finance West Lindsey District Council auditing the conditions imposed by the Selective Licensing scheme. The proposals are involved so we do encourage anyone affected to read the them in full.
West Lindsey District Council is currently consulting on the proposal, with the consultation closing on Monday 11th April. More information on the proposals including draft Selective Licensing Conditions, FAQs, consultation webinars and how to respond to the consultation can be found here and we encourage anyone affected to respond individually to the consultation.
If these proposals affect you and you would like assistance, please do get in touch with CLA East via or 01638 590429.