Support for The Little Ouse Headwaters Project

Funding boost from the CLA Charitable Trust
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Volunteer at work for Little Ouse Headwaters project

A charity on the Norfolk/Suffolk border dedicated to the conservation of wildlife has been awarded nearly £5,000 from the CLA Charitable Trust (CLACT) to support its work.

The Little Ouse Headwaters Project (LOHP) is focused on protecting and enhancing the landscape of the Little Ouse Valley. This river corridor formerly held the most extensive area of valley fenland habitat in England, uniting the great wildernesses of Breckland and Broadland. It has wildlife of international importance.

The funding from the CLACT will go towards new trail cameras and monitoring equipment that will be used by LOHP volunteers, along with identification guides and other resources for use on guided walks to help visitors learn more about wildlife on the Fens.

The CLACT is funded almost entirely by subscriptions and donations from members of the Country Land and Business Association (CLA), an organisation which represents farmers, landowners and rural businesses.

It provides grants to charities and community organisations who share its vision to help connect people with the countryside and nature.

LOHP Conservation Manager, Ellie Beach, said: “We are extremely grateful to the CLACT for the funding they have provided, it will assist our work greatly in this beautiful part of East Anglia.

“The trail cameras will allow us to gain an even better understanding of the wildlife located along the river and how we can develop habitats to help a wide range of species to thrive.”

Bridget Biddell, Chairman of CLACT, said: “We are delighted to be able to assist with funding to support the excellent work of this charity that is dedicated to enhancing habitats of this important landscape.

“The CLACT is proud to be playing a small part in assisting projects such as this – enhancing knowledge of the natural environment can provide so many benefits for both wildlife and for society.”

Since its foundation in 1980, the trust has given £2m in grants to a wide variety of organisations and projects. If you would like to know more about applying for funding, or to donate, visit