Feeling your way through the Agricultural Transition

Members joined the Midlands team to get the latest information on the Agricultural Transition from key speakers and organisations
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Last week the Midlands team built on the success from previous years and hosted Agricultural Transition Roadshow events across the region for members and non-members to attend.

With the second round of Basic Payment Scheme cuts having taken place in 2022 and further planned for 2023, England is now well into the Agricultural Transition. By 2024, BPS recipients will have lost at least half of their payments ahead of the final year in 2027.

These two hour events included updates on the latest policy developments and featured presentations from farm resilience consultants who offered free support and advice to farmers in England.

Attendees had the opportunity to raise specific questions to our CLA experts, Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) officials and the rural payments agency.

They were given information on the latest schemes which are being rolled out to ease the impact of the BPS cuts, enabling members to make the best decision about what would work for their businesses.

It was fantastic to be able to provide up to date, expert information to both CLA members and non-members on the Agricultural Transition. Giving them the opportunity to share their questions, air their concerns and experiences with other likeminded people in a friendly and informal environment

Midlands Regional Director Sophie Dwerryhouse commented

To find out more about the Agricultural Transition, click here.

If you would like to speak to an adviser in the Midlands office please call 01785 337010 or email midlands@cla.org.uk.

Key contact:

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Helen Dale Rural Adviser, CLA Midlands