An update on HS2

An update on HS2 from Midlands Rural Surveyor, John Greenshields
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While we would like to be able to give members an update, unfortunately there has been no clarity from HS2 Ltd or the Department for Transport following last month’s cancellation of Phase 2 of HS2.

We know individuals will understandably now start seeking information about what the future holds, however we will have to be patient. We know that HS2 has been a cloud over members lives for many years and we are working to bring a just outcome as soon as possible.

The CLA is engaging with HS2 Ltd and the Department for Transport in order to realise fair outcomes, and we are assisting in the creation of mechanisms and policies that we hope will achieve these.

The announcement of Phase 2 cancellation caught HS2 Ltd off guard and the Department of Transport were also unprepared. This has resulted in notices being received in the post after the announcement and meetings still being arranged the day before, so there has been a move to stop any further acquisitions which are in the process from going any further.

There is also a drive to prioritise those who are going through the Blight process, providing those individuals with the ability to stop the process if they wish to reevaluate their position following the cancellation.

It is worth noting that HS2 Ltd, have stopped paying compensation following the cancellation of the route as they assess their position, however uncertainty will remain for a number of months to come. Something that too many are far too familiar with.

While these are only approximate timescales, it is anticipated that safeguarding will hopefully be removed from Phase 2a around the end of the year. Safeguarding on Phase 2b being looked at until probably next summer to check if the land will need to remain safeguarded for northern rail projects.

We are helping form a workable policy for land to be offered back to the original owner; ensuring that everyone is as fairly treated as possible with appropriate mechanisms to reflect differences in compensation and any physical works that have been undertaken on the land.

The Eastern Leg of HS2 up to Leeds is being reviewed as this land remains safeguarded despite the cancellation of this leg two years ago. The CLA is pushing for the removal of safeguarding from the cancelled route.

The precedent cannot be allowed that cancelled compulsory purchase projects are able to cast an indefinite cloud over individuals.

If you wish to discuss this further, please contact John Greenshields on 01785 337010.

Please be aware that the information in this blog was up to date at the time of publishing. We do try to update historical blog information regularly. If you would like further information on a particular subject, please contact the office on 01785 337010

Key contact:

John Greenshields - Resized.jpg
John Greenshields Rural Surveyor, CLA Midlands