Call for hosts for MP and PPC meetings

The Midlands team are calling out for hosts for MP and PPC meetings head of a general election
Jon Pearce and CLA members at Edale Gathering

With a general election around the corner, we are working on meeting MPs and PPCs in each constituency within our region.

We aim to ensure that members meet their local representative by either holding a round table meeting or a farm walk. Round table meetings are exactly that, a meeting of any number of members that we can fit around a kitchen or dining room table, held at a members house / venue or similar.

A farm walk is another option where the representative can be shown any challenges or opportunities that are occurring at the time, whilst talking to constituents and hearing their views.

A variety of topics have been covered in the meetings we have held so far from rural crime and connectivity through to planning and agricultural schemes, to name but a few.

View our six general election missions for the rural economy here.

If you would be interested in attending or hosting either a round table or farm walk for your MP or PPC, please do get in touch with Midlands Communications Manager, Natalie Oakes on 07753 574675 or email

Key contact:

Natalie Oakes (1).png
Natalie Oakes Communications Manager, CLA Midlands