CLA Midlands reveals teachers resource pack to educate children about the Countryside Code
Resource pack launched to educate children about the Countryside Code
The CLA hopes that children across the Midlands will learn how to act safely and responsibly in the countryside, helped by the launch of a new resource pack.
Developed by the CLA in conjunction with LEAF Education, the materials will enable teachers and youth group leaders to communicate crucial messages about the Countryside Code to Key Stage 2 pupils.
The code’s messages of respecting everyone, protecting the environment and enjoying the outdoors are highlighted through fun-filled activities including a soil investigator’s exercise, sky lantern role-play activity and a waymarker memory game.
Supporting teachers in this way will help pupils understand how to respect, protect and enjoy - firstly their local environment and then the wider countryside.
The CLA says the packs will help children and young adults understand that safe and responsible behaviour in the countryside is fundamental to their enjoyment of it.
CLA Midlands regional director Mark Riches explains: “We’ve recently welcomed vastly increased numbers of visitors to the Midlands, many of whom are first time tourists to the countryside, and I’m delighted to report that many will be returning.
“However, these visits haven’t been without problems. The countryside is a working environment, where farmers and land managers produce world-class food to the highest environmental and welfare standards, and it’s important that people - young people, in particular – learn how to enjoy their time here safely and responsibly.
“These resource packs will help teachers and group leaders deliver enjoyable, engaging lessons so children can put what they learn into practice.
“Supporting teachers in this way will help pupils understand how to respect, protect and enjoy - firstly their local environment and then the wider countryside.”
The pack is free to download from the CLA’s website and is also available to educators via the Countryside Classroom, a teachers’ resource for rural affairs material
- The Countryside Code, first introduced in 1951, was recently updated following a rise in the number of visitors to the countryside during the pandemic.
- The CLA: For more information about the Country Land and Business Association, visit
- LEAF: For more information about Linking Environment and Farming visit