From old to new - CLA Midlands Women’s Network visit
A diversified estate that once was regularly visited by the Prince of Wales, now houses a variety of diverse businesses
Members of the CLA Midlands Women’s Network recently visited a diversified estate which is steeped in history.
Burrough Court located in Leicestershire, now owned and run by 3rd and 4th generations Dawn, Fred and Becky Wilson, consists of 1,000 acres of arable farmland. It was acquired by the family in the 1950’s and its history dates back over hundreds of years, including links to the Royal family with the Prince of Wales frequently visiting as well as Walter Brierley and Marmaduke Furness.
It is also home to the 10th Battalion Memorial Garden which was erected in memory of those who lost their lives during the battle of Arnhem.
CLA Women’s Network members were delighted to soak in the old and the new. They were treated to walking tours of the location of the original house; the dog walking field which is their latest project and the further diversified areas of the business including the coffee shop, offices, co-working areas, meeting rooms, business units and the renewable energy offering. There were further discussions about woodland creation and countryside stewardship.

Over lunch members had the opportunity to network and talk about their own businesses. A high priority for the network which was set up to encourage women to become more active within the CLA by creating networking, mentoring and business opportunities for our women members.
Of particular interest to members was the Get Busy Living centre. Located in an old hangar, this inspiring enterprise was set up by the Matt Hampson Foundation and supports young people who are seriously injured through sport.
If you are interested in joining the Midlands Women’s Network, you can visit the Facebook and Linkedin groups (@CLA Women’s Network), visit the events section of our website or you can email