Midlands Committee Updates

With the latest rounds of AGMs complete, find out who is representing you on your committee
Midlands - View across Helen's field July 23

June has been a busy month for events with the majority of our county AGMs being held at some beautiful venues including, Shropshire and Staffordshire AGMs at the Aqualate Estate, Cheshire AGM at Manor House Stables in Cheshire and Leicestershire, Rutland and Warwickshire AGM held at Nevill Holt Opera, to name but a few.

Branch committees are an important part of the CLA Infrastructure, being consulted on important issues which help the CLA formulate its policy when lobbying government.

Your committee officers for 2023 – 24 are:

Derbyshire Committee:
President – The Hon. David P C Legh
Chair – Edward Hicklin
Vice Chair – Vacancy

The Derbyshire AGM is taking place on the Wednesday 6th September at the Tissington Estate. Don’t forget to book your place here or call the office on 01785 337 010.

Cheshire Committee:
President – Sarah Callander-Beckett
Chair – Annabel Farbon
Vice Chair - Rupert Jackson

Herefordshire Committee:
President – Joe Evans
Chair – William Shuttleworth
Vice Chair - Rupert Foley

Leicestershire & Rutland Committee:
President – Sir Richard Tollemache
Chair – Rachel Walker
Vice Chair - Tom Beeley

Shropshire Committee:
President – The Hon. Selina Graham
Chair – Dimitri Harrison
Vice Chair - Gavin Hamilton

Staffordshire Committee:
President – Paul Wolferstan
Chair – Michael Eld
Vice Chair - Wojtek Behnke

Warwickshire Committee:
President – The Earl of Aylesford
Chair – Mark Dickin
Vice Chair - Vacancy

Worcestershire Committee:
President – Nicholas Lechmere
Chair – Iain Morrison
Vice Chair – Jon Clifford

Our thanks go to all the retiring officers who have given valuable support to the CLA and who continue as Branch Committee members:

Cheshire: Ed Barnston

Shropshire: Alex Carson-Taylor

Warwickshire: Alex Robinson

The Autumn branch committee meetings are planned for October 2023. Please contact Jan Hewes on jan.hewes@cla.org.uk if you would like to attend as an observer.

Full committee listings can be found here.

Key contact:

Jan Hewes Regional Coordinator, CLA Midlands