The Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacons: Registration

Farms and estates are being invited to lead the Nation’s tribute to Her Majesty The Queen by lighting Beacons on 2nd June 2022.

Jubilee Beacons: Registration

As part of this year’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations, farms and estates are being invited to lead the Nation’s tribute to Her Majesty The Queen by lighting Beacons at 9.45pm on 2nd June 2022. We are hoping that CLA members will be at the forefront of this initiative, continuing a long and unbroken tradition of celebrating Royal Jubilees, Wedding and Coronations.

Those wishing to take part are welcome to use the opportunity as a private occasion, to celebrate with family, friends and colleagues in events large and small, often featuring local food, drink and entertainment. Country Women Country Wide have even produced a special Jubilee Beacon Tart, incorporating ingredients from the four countries of the UK to be paraded and served during this night.

Farms and estates wishing to register to participate in the celebrations are being asked to provide the following information as soon as possible, and no later than 30th May to The Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacons Pageantmaster, Bruno Peek, at

  • Name of County
  • Name of Farm or Estate
  • Address
  • Name of Contact
  • Email
  • Private Occasion: Yes/No:

Once registered you will receive updated information of the celebrations over the forthcoming months. We hope you will take part in this event by lighting a Beacon on your farm or estate, especially as this will be the last chain of Beacons lit during The Queen’s reign, so we all want to make it the most successful.

Private events will not be listed publicly before the 2nd June, but will be included in the special leatherbound book of Beacon locations being produced and presented to The Queen after the event, along with being sent via email, the Certificate of Grateful Recognition found on page 2 of the Guide.

Details of the event are outlined in the Guide to Taking Part, which can be viewed and downloaded, from

If you are struggling with internet connectivity, please contact the regional office for help.