CLA activities - Great Yorkshire Show 2024
The CLA North team will be out in full force at this year’s Great Yorkshire Show from 9 to 12 July. Attending any of the CLA activities does not imply free access to the Show Grounds and members should purchase their show tickets well in advance.Programme of activities
It is essential for members to register for events as indicated below via the CLA’s website Members and guests requiring assistance to register or for further information, can contact Rachael Clayton by telephoning 01748 907070.
Tickets to enter the Great Yorkshire Show can be purchased via this link.
As per previous shows, a cold buffet ploughman’s lunch for members and guests is available for purchase between noon and 2pm every day.
Tuesday 9 July
8am – 9.30am CLA President’s Breakfast - registration required
The CLA’s President Victoria Vyvyan will host a President’s Breakfast, featuring Steve Reed, Shadow Secretary of State (Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) for members and guests from 8am to 9.30am. The event is generously sponsored by Rural Solutions, Irwin Mitchell and Silk Family Law. Breakfast rolls, coffees and teas provided. Please register your attendance to avoid disappointment and for catering purposes.

Speakers are:
* Steve Reed, Shadow Secretary of State (Environment, Food & Rural Affairs)
* Andrew Loftus, Livestock Farmer & AHDB Chair Beef & Lamb Net Zero Roadmap
* James Pavey, Partner and Head of Rural Business and Estates at Irwin Mitchell
* Sally Ormiston, Head of Consulting at Rural Solutions
The panel will discuss various land use issues that intersect with the CLA’s ‘missions’ or political asks of a new government following the General Election.
NOTE: As this event takes place shortly after the election, Steve Reed might not be able to make it - but he is still committed to come.

10.30am to 11.30pm – CLA Women’s Network speaker and drinks reception

CLA President Victoria Vyvyan will host this event reflecting on women’s role in the rural sector. Joining Victoria will be Abi Kay, Farmers Weekly Deputy Editor and CLA member Dr Rachael Fell-Chambers, Care Farm Director at Densholme Farm and Senior Lecturer in Education passionate advocate of countryside learning and youth engagement.
3.30pm – 4.30pm – Afternoon ‘Tea and Talks’ (FREE) – registration required

This event, generously supported by Virgin Money will host expert speakers on exploring the theme ‘Productive, profitable and sustainable future farming – what does it look like?’
Speakers are:
* Brian Richardson, Head of Agriculture at Virgin Money
* Kelly Hewson-Fisher, Director, Head of Rural & Research Projects at Savills
* Tracey Jackson, Manager at Land and Nature Skills Service

Other event at the CLA stand on the same day:
4.30pm to 6pm – Savills Drinks reception (by invitation only)
Wednesday 10 July
8am – Breakfast Seminar (FREE) – registration required

Speakers at his seminar, generously supported by Fera Science Ltd. and Harrison Drury Solicitors will focus on nature markets, including Biodiversity Net Gain, covering the current policy, the practical and applied science, along with associated legal issues related to conservation covenants amongst others.
Breakfast rolls, teas and coffees will be provided. Please register your attendance to avoid disappointment and for catering purposes.
Speakers are:
* Susan Twining, CLA Chief Land Use Policy Adviser
* Glyn Jones, Head of Plant (Science) and Environmental Economist at Fera Science Ltd.
* Joseph Mitchell, Head of Harrison Drury Solicitors Rural sector team, Senior Associate in Property Litigation.
Presentations will be followed by a Q&A session.

10.30am to 11.30pm - CLA Women’s Network speaker and drinks reception
Tennants Auctioneers are kindly sponsoring this Bucks Fizz and Elderflower Spritz drinks reception. CLA President Victoria Vyvyan will host this event reflecting on women’s role in the rural sector.
Joining Victoria will be Jane Lane, CLA Cumbria Branch Committee member, who will reflect on her experiences in her capacity as trustee at the CLA’s Charitable Trust; and CLA member Celia Gaze, founder and CEO The Wellbeing Farm B Corp Certified.

3.30pm to 4.30pm Afternoon Talks & Tea – registration required

This event, kindly supported by the Forestry Commission and Northwoods / Reheat, will variously explore the importance of forestry and woodland creation / management and innovation to improve the UK’s timber security, timber markets, as well as agroforestry options for farmers.
Speakers will include Sir William Worsley, Forestry Commission Chair; James Ramskir-Gardiner, National Agroforestry Adviser at the Forestry Commission; and Rosanna Curtis, Senior Consultant at Northwoods / Reheat.

4.30pm to 6pm – CLA Energy and Healthcare Services Drinks reception

Members and guests are welcome to attend this drinks reception hosted by CLA Services (Energy and Healthcare). An opportunity to unwind and to informally discuss your business energy and healthcare needs.

Thursday & Friday 11 - 12 July
On Thursday and Friday we expect to welcome Members of Parliament, Prospective Parliamentary Candidates and rural stakeholders to the CLA stand at various points during the day to discuss the CLA’s political ‘asks’ as set out in our Rural Powerhouse campaign.
Further updates on activities at this year’s show will be communicated via the CLA North’s tri-weekly enewsletter, as well as a special Great Yorkshire Show email which will be sent out in early July.