FiPL Funding outcomes - North York Moors NP

The CLA North team has always encouraged our members to apply for this funding which has resulted in some positive outcomes.

The Farming in Protected Landscape (FiPL) Programme has been a great success across the country, and especially in the North York Moors National Park. This has only been achieved through the innovative ideas, detailed planning and hard work of our farmers and land managers. This which could not have been achieved without the input of all our panel members and the support of the FiPL project officers.

Since its introduction in August 2021, the farmers and landowners have planted 19,130 metres of hedgerows, created 30 new ponds, 68 hectares of wildlife-rich habitat and made 2,180 metres of footpaths and bridleways more accessible. There have also been projects that have helped to improve soil health, create a diverse farming landscape and improve mental wellbeing. Every project has had a positive impact on the National Park for those who live, work and visit here.

The projects in Fryup Dale are a particularly good example. These projects have been completed by individual farmers and landowners, but their outcomes are interlinked and have contributed towards the objectives of the North York Moors Management Plan – especially the aim of achieving good ecological status of all water bodies by 2027.

Key contact:

Jane Harrison CLA North.jpg
Jane Harrison Rural Adviser, CLA North