Member visit - Beaver Trail at Cropton Forest

In early September, CLA Director North Harriet Ranson joined fourteen members on an exclusive visit to see the impact a pair of beavers released in Cropton Forest.

The beavers are kept within an enclosure to assess their impact on reducing flooding downstream and the river’s biodiversity. Cath Bashforth, Ecologist with The Forestry England, talked about the beavers’ adaptation to existing flood defences, and creating their own.

Since the introduction of the beavers five years ago, 16 kits were born, four of which have been re-homed outside the enclosure. In that period, the beavers have also constructed the longest dam in the UK measuring 70m in length and 2.3m height. Bat activity in the area has also increased four-fold over this period.

Members’ questions focussed on challenges of flooding caused by beavers; legalities of who is responsible for that and if England is learning from Scotland’s experiences of beaver management.

The visit concluded with a hearty lunch at the New Inn.