Trio of conservation awards for upland habitat
Awards for Black Grouse, Hen Harriers and Lapwing were recently presented at the Yorkshire CLA AGM to properties within the Yorkshire Dales and the North Yorkshire Moors and Cleveland Hills Natural Character Areas.
Life on Land Awards have been presented to three properties for exceeding the top 1 per cent in the UK for abundance of a priority upland species.
Awards for Black Grouse, Hen Harriers and Lapwing were recently presented at the Yorkshire CLA AGM to properties within the Yorkshire Dales and the North Yorkshire Moors and Cleveland Hills Natural Character Areas.
The Awards are issued where landholders have followed the standard recording protocols and measured their performance against formally endorsed national standards. The Awards for the Food crops and grassland habitat are to be presented shortly.
Landholders, registering their interest in The Life Map to show how land use sustains life throughout society, can access the national benchmark to calibrate their performance.
Redlist Revival Chief Executive, Edward Darling said:
"It is a great system that protects the identity and location of everyone registering an interest and for those that submit data whilst still enabling statements of engagement and success to be shared with society,’ commented Redlist Revival, the charity that runs The Life Map. It is important that the Awards winners and Certificate recipients have the choice whether or not to disclose their association with the public statements."
Landholders from all sectors have registered over 230,000 hectares so far across parts of England – approaching 2% of the area with some counties with over 10% of their area registered.
Redlist Revival - get involved
Sustaining life for today’s generations – and tomorrow’s, by designing the components that sustain life - aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and running The Life Map as a method for consistently connecting knowledge, engagement and activity about those components to understand choices and manage change.
Landholders can register their interest at or request a registration from