Rural Round Up - February 2025

An update on stakeholder meetings attended by the South West advisory team in 2025.

Since the start of 2025, the south west advisory team has been busy meeting with many of our rural stakeholders.

Following investigations by EDF into the possible use of compulsory purchase powers on sites in Gloucestershire and Somerset for potential environmental mitigation for Hinkley Point Power Station, we have continued to meet with them on the plans. It has been vital to maintain open communication with them so that members views can be passed on. We have been made aware that the consultation on this project has been pushed back and is scheduled to start in March as it carefully evaluates the best approach.

During a recent meeting with the Natural England Devon and Cornwall team we covered a variety of issues including Dartmoor and Penwith SSSI. We have found that the local Natural England teams have made strides forward in improving their engagement with the CLA which is great news for our members, and it is something we will continue to push forward.

Poole Harbour

We have been kept busy by the Poole Harbour Nutrient Management Scheme in recent times, attending meetings for the Strategy Project Group and the Technical Working Group. This is as a result of a new version of the Nitrate Leaching Tool being released, and both groups have sought to evaluate how well it is working. Preparations are also underway for the next round of research projects in order to improve its measuring.

Many Local Nature Recovery Schemes are progressing, and we recently attended a meeting for the Dorset LRNS. The consultation period should be launched shortly and information will be shared with members to allow them to share their views.

Anyone wishing to know more on any of the above topics, has any concerns or is in need of any support or advice for their rural business, please call our knowledgeable team on 01249 599059.

Cyswllt allweddol:

Mark Burton
Mark Burton Syrfewr Gwledig, CLA De Orllewin