CLA South West Event Programme Autumn 2023

Welcome to the autumn edition of the CLA South West Event Programme 2023.

Welcome to the autumn edition of the CLA south west events programme.

It has been great to see so many of you over the summer show season - we were lucky to have great weather for all. Each show saw a fantastic line up of speakers, including CLA Deputy President Victoria Vyvyan.

We have a great autumn programme ahead of us with some exciting events, and I hope to see many of you in attendance.

Due to popular demand we have secured a tour of The Gloucestershire Energy from Waste Facility. This will be a sell out so make sure to secure your place!

Keep an eye out for the Natural Capital Roadshows in the south west, dates will be announced soon.

I am always keen to hear from you about any event ideas you may have, so please do not hesitate to contact me.

Please keep an eye out on the website, South West Enews and social media as we will be adding more exciting events over the coming months.

I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Izzy Hamilton, CLA South West Events Coordinator

Key contact:

isabella hamilton.png
Isabella Hamilton (on maternity leave) Events Manager, CLA South West
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