CLA members celebrating the Jubilee

Following a long weekend of celebrations for Her Majesty the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, the CLA share highlights from members enjoying the festivities.

As the red, white and blue bunting is packed away, we can reminisce about burning beacons, lively street parties, and the infamous photos of Prince Louis’s rather unamused reactions to his great grandmother’s Jubilee celebrations.

I hope that wherever and however you celebrated, you enjoyed the festivities (and plenty of scones) to mark Her Majesty the Queen’s 70 years of dedicated service to the nation.

This week, I had the wonderful task of sorting through members’ messages and pictures that offer a snapshot of the celebrations over the long bank holiday weekend. These images will go into the CLA archives to look back on in years to come.

Thank you very much to those of you who sent in your pictures and memories; please do send more in if you haven’t already. Members can email or tag us/message us via social media.

Look out for the August edition of Land & Business magazine for a full review of the celebrations. In the meantime, here are a few updates from CLA members across England and Wales.

Nostell Estate

The Nostell Estate, Wakefield, West Yorkshire celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee on Wednesday 1 June with an afternoon tea event, welcoming residential and commercial tenants to witness the unveiling of a newly-planted oak tree.

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Lord St Oswald & Peter Molyneux, Nostell Estate Director (and Leo the Nostell Estate pooch)

Orton Scar, Cumbria

Residents of Orton village in Cumbria hosted a beacon event on an ancient beacon site situated on Orton Scar.

Commemorated with a Celtic cross made from local stone, this site was traditionally the place where beacons would be lit to warn residents of Scottish raids. Villagers would also meet there to celebrate royal occasions.

This Jubilee weekend, after the Royal Proclamation was read by the village crier, visitors made the 2 mile ascent up to the beacon. Due to poor weather, the beacon was lit early to warm the two/three hundred spectators.

The piper played some rousing tunes to keep spirits up and later fireworks lit the sky before another rainstorm eventually drove most people home by eleven. Despite the weather, the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by all and was deemed a great success.

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Photo: Kyle Blue
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Photo: Kyle Blue
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Photo: Kate Blue

Courteenhall Estate

Courteenhall Estate welcomed the children of Roade Primary School onto the estate to help plant a Courteenhall Oak, which was grown from the acorn of a 350-year-old oak that lives in the parklands.

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Town & Manor of Hungerford & Liberty of Sanden Fee

Constable Peter Joseph and Bellman Julian Tubb travelled to Buckingham Palace on behalf of the community of Hungerford to deliver a commemorative red rose to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee. They presented the rose to Lieutenant Colonel Thomas White, Equerry to Her Majesty the Queen. Peter and Julian were upholding a tradition which is thought to date back more than 800 years. It involves Hungerford delivering a rose to the reigning monarch on significant dates and anniversaries.

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Oliver Cutts

Alister Cutts and his team at Oliver Cutts at Godshilwood, Hampshire created this spectacular beacon ready for a Jubilee Beacons event. The creation could be seen burning bright 25 miles away.

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Mark Cross

Llanover, Monmouthshire

The village of Llanover hosted an afternoon tea party involving lots of dancing, food stands and family entertainment. They also lit a beacon on the night of the official Jubilee Beacons.

Photo: David Owen

Knole Farm

David Lower of Knole Farm, Somerset sent this beautiful image of a beacon burning at sun set at the top of Knole Hill.

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