CLA welcomes new Shadow DEFRA Secretary as Labour reshuffles top team

Steve Reed MP given top role as parties gear up for General Election campaign
Steve Reed MP 2
Official portrait of Steve Reed MP | | CC BY 3.0

The CLA has welcomed the new Shadow DEFRA Secretary, Steve Reed MP, into the role as part of Labour's reshuffle this week.

Mr Reed has been MP for Croydon North since a 2012 by-election and replaces Jim McMahon in Sir Keir Starmer's top team.

Mark Tufnell, President of the Country Land and Business Association, said:

“I welcome Steve Reed to his new role as Shadow Secretary of State, and wish him well as he settles into the role.

"This is a crucial time for our countryside – with Environmental Land Management schemes being rolled out, BPS being cut, rural communities being hit hard by the cost of living crisis and persistently low economic productivity harming our businesses and workers.

“Rural communities are an iconic part of our national life, and a foundation stone for both our economic and social prosperity.

"We will do all we can to help Mr Reed understand the vast potential of the countryside, so that we can go even further in feeding the nation, growing the economy, fighting climate change and restoring our cherished nature.”

Gearing up for a General Election

All of the main parties are gearing up for the next General Election, likely to be held in spring or autumn 2024.

MPs returned to Parliament this week after the summer recess but will break for the party conference season later this month.

The CLA has spent the recess engaging with politicians of all colours, to raise rural issues that matter the most to our members. This blog gives an overview of some of the recent farm visits and meetings.

Key contact:

Mike Sims Senior Communications Manager (national & south east)