Support for Rural England Prosperity Fund continues

In an effort to level the playing field between rural and urban areas, the government announces continued funding for the Rural England Prosperity Fund - following lobbying from the CLA

The Rural England Prosperity fund (REPF) was announced for a new round this week, with £33m allocated towards supporting rural infrastructure, and businesses that require grants. It recognises that rural economies face unique challenges, from limited infrastructure to dispersed populations, and aims to level the playing field with urban areas.

The REPF was introduced as a direct replacement for previous EU grant schemes like Leader, which provides similar support for rural businesses and communities.

The £33m amount is down from previous allocations but it is in line with wider overall cuts to the Shared Prosperity Fund, from which the REPF is distributed. The CLA has lobbied hard for the REPF to continue, as one of the few measures directly available to rural communities.

Within in the announcement Defra indicated that £5m will go towards “continuation of important services for rural communities” this includes:

  • The Rural Community Assets Fund – providing capital funding for the refurbishment and development of community-owned assets, such as village halls or community centres
  • Rural Housing Enablers (RHE) – a role which helps bring forward sites to provide affordable housing. The CLA wrote to the minister asking for assurance on the RHE programme as it has been successful in increasing the amount of affordable housing delivered in rural communities
  • Funding for ACRE (Action for Communities in Rural England) – offering advice and support to rural community and voluntary groups that provide social inclusion activities, affordable warmth advice, and community transport

In summary

Overall, it is positive that this funding will continue for the next year at least for rural areas. The grants are delivered through local authorities, and the matrix of how it will be distributed is yet to be revealed.

The CLA will continue to work with local authorities, to ensure that funds are accessible and available to those who require them.

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