General election 2024: the rural community needs a plan, says CLA

The CLA reacts to news from the UK Government that a general election will be held during the summer of 2024

Following much speculation about when it will be, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced today that 4 July 2024 is the date when the next general election will take place.

Before the UK goes to the polls however, the CLA is calling for each party to empower the rural economy by embracing the rural community.

Country Land and Business Association (CLA) President Victoria Vyvyan said:

“People living in the countryside want to run businesses, create jobs and grow the economy but for decades, governments of all colours have treated rural areas as a museum, failing to generate the conditions necessary for growth.

"Every party needs to prove it matches the ambition, the talent, the work ethic and the values of the rural community.

We don't want nice words, we want a plan, and a commitment to a realistic budget for the future of agriculture

CLA President Victoria Vyvyan

“Whichever party produces a robust and ambitious plan for growth in the rural economy will secure support, and the CLA stands ready to work with them to unleash its full potential.”

Our six missions for the Rural Powerhouse

Read about the CLA's campaign to boost the rural economy and request a candidate support pack