Hosting Ukrainian refugees in the UK

Several members have contacted us about hosting refugees, which would be a hugely practical and generous gesture. We want to help members who are inspired to make this offer.

We know that everyone is watching the news from Ukraine with desperate concern and a growing sense of helplessness. You may be wondering how you can help.

Several members have contacted us about hosting refugees, which would be a hugely practical and generous gesture. We want to help members who are inspired to make this offer.

Details of how government sponsorship schemes will operate have not yet been announced. As soon as more information is available, we plan to put in place a coordinated approach on behalf of any CLA members who wish to offer accommodation in rural areas. This could involve the CLA acting as a sponsor organisation, providing advice, information and connecting members who could make a joint community offer.

At this stage, we need to gauge support and interest.

If you might be able to help by providing accommodation and the support of your wider community, and are willing to receive subsequent communication from us on the Ukraine crisis, please reply to the CLA at as soon as possible. Please include contact details of the person for us to contact in due course, and - if possible - the location/type of any accommodation or other option you might be able to offer.

Key contact:

Sarah bio pic 2021.JPG
Sarah Hendry Director General, London