Levelling Up: What does it mean for rural areas?

In this podcast episode we discuss the approach to levelling up and the challenges that lie ahead.

Levelling up is the flagship policy of Boris Johnson’s Conservative Government, with the aim of bringing people and communities previously considered left behind to an equal standing with more prosperous areas such as the South East by 2030. 

Though much of the Government’s focus has been around bridging the north-south divide, the CLA points to the widening gap between urban and rural areas as a key area to level up. Rural areas are 18% less productive than urban areas and closing that gap could add £43bn to the national economy.

What will you hear?

Rosie Nagle, CLA Public Affairs Manager, explains what levelling up means for rural areas, the political challenge of levelling up the entire UK, and the CLA's response to the Government's Levelling Up white paper.

Rosie also shares with us the CLA's priorities in making the levelling up agenda work for rural communities. The CLA has put forward a series of policy measures the UK Government should undertake to unleash the potential of the rural economy. To read our Levelling Up report click here.