New Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice launched
The CLA welcomes a new code of practice that will help support positive, productive and sustainable relations in the tenanted sector
A new code of practice to help foster and encourage clarity, communication and collaboration in the tenanted farming sector has been launched.
The code, which was a key recommendation of the Rock Review, provides guidance on the standards of behaviour expected from landlords and tenants as well as those providing professional advice in connection with agricultural tenancy matters.
It will support landlords and tenants, and their advisers, to establish and maintain positive, productive and sustainable commercial relationships and aims to foster positive landlord-tenant relationships.
It has been produced and led from within the industry by a working group, which includes the CLA, that represents every facet of the tenanted sector with support from Defra.
The CLA welcomes the publication of the code, which we helped shape to ensure it is pragmatic rather than prescriptive, promotes collaboration and can be used in a wide range of scenarios.
CLA President Victoria Vyvyan says: “The CLA welcomes the Agricultural Landlord and Tenant Code of Practice.
This is a useful tool to foster good relationships in the tenanted sector, so that it can thrive and work for all parties involved.
“We were please to contribute to its development, which was based on many constructive conversations.
“We encourage all CLA members to familiarise themselves with the code and use it to guide discussions – whether in their roles as landlords, professional advisers, or as someone else’s tenant.”
Matthew Morris, who chaired the working group, says: “All organisations involved in the production of this code of practice did so in a very open and collaborative way and we are delighted to have reached an industry wide consensus that I hope will drive genuine change in the sector.”
Environment Secretary Steve Barclay says that the new code will help ensure the tenanted sector continues to thrive by promoting positive relationships between tenants and landlords. He also confirmed that actions are "underway to deliver on most other areas" in its response to the Rock Review.
You can download a copy of the code below.