Sign of the times
CLA Rural Surveyor Claire Wright offers sage advice for countryside visitors and rural landowners on rights of way
The better weather is now upon us; cattle and sheep are happily grazing in fields but at the same time there is a sharp increase in the numbers of users out and about on our public rights of way network.
Many of these users will know how to behave appropriately when using rights of way, but there are others who merrily let their dog scamper around off-lead, refuse to clear up the resulting dog mess or trespass away from the line of the path. This can have a huge impact on farming businesses as crops and biodiversity projects become damaged and livestock are attacked or infected with parasites.
A good way of reminding all users of rights of way of correct behaviour is by installing suitably worded signage at key points along the route. These can remind users to keep their dogs on a lead and to clean up dog mess. In addition, clear, easily spotted way markers can ensure that users can follow the route without inadvertently roaming onto other parts of your farm.
It is important that signage is correctly worded as it is an offence to erect misleading signage that deters people from using the right of way. This will usually result in your sign being removed by the highway authority but in some cases can lead to a fine.
The CLA has a range of signage which is correctly worded and robust enough to last for many years.
Our signage products include one reminding users to clear up after their dog because of the risk of neospora infections; another asking users to keep their dog on a lead (but to release it if chased by cattle), together with a matching range of way marker signs stating that ‘we welcome responsible visitors to the countryside’. The way marker signs come with either blue or yellow sticky arrows (for footpaths and bridleways) so that the designated route can be easily marked.
The signs are available in packs of five and are priced at £21.66 for the ‘clear up after your dog’ and ‘keep the dog on a lead’ signs and £18.24 for the way marker signs. All prices include VAT and postage.
How to order
To order please email and provide your full name and postal address, along with a contact telephone number and your CLA membership number (if applicable). We will contact you as soon as possible to take your payment.
If you have any queries, please contact the Marketing team on 020 7235 0511.
If you need further advice on managing user behaviour on public rights of way or information on signage then do contact the National Access Adviser on: 07702 928860 or e-mail