Climate change and historic building adaptation

Read the CLA's consultation response here.

Climate change and historic building adaptation - Historic England consultation

86% of CLA members would like to decarbonise their historic buildings, but 87% think the planning system is a barrier. This consultation asked for comment on a draft Historic England Advice Note. This CLA response suggests ways of making both the advice and the underlying policy as effective as possible. In particular it advocates focusing attention on 'low-hanging fruit' interventions like draughtproofing, loft insulation, and secondary glazing. These are cost-effective, carbon-effective, and unlikely to harm heritage significance, buildings, or occupants. Granting consents for them, with the careful use of permitted development rights and listed building consent orders, would encourage the safe and effective decarbonisation of historic buildings on a much greater scale than in the past.

Climate change and historic building adaptation

Read the CLA's consultation response here.
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