Member briefing: Defra's Agricultural Transition Plan

The CLA's member briefing on the detail of Defra's Agricultural Transition Plan

Defra published a new document ‘The Path to Sustainable Farming: An Agricultural Transition Plan 2021 to 2024’ on Monday 30 November.

It sets out how the ‘legacy’ schemes in England such as Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) and Countryside Stewardship scheme (CS) will change, alongside how new schemes will be piloted and introduced over the next four years up to 2024. It is accompanied by a shorter summary ‘Farming is Changing’ that will be sent to all current Basic Payment Recipients in due course. There is also an adviser pack that contains information and resources related to the changes.

Also, visit the CLA's Agricultural Transition Hub here.

Agricultural Transition (England)

Click here for more information and guidance on the agricultural transition

Defra Agricultural Transition Plan

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