CLA welcomes Greg Smith MP to Buckinghamshire branch committee meeting

Bucks MP gives update on HS2, food security, rural crime and more
Greg Smith at CLA Bucks committee meeting.jpg
Greg Smith MP (centre) with CLA South East Regional Director Tim Bamford (left) and CLA Buckinghamshire branch committee chairman Robert Ruck-Keene (right)

MP Greg Smith updated members on issues including High Speed 2, food security, planning and rural crime during a CLA Buckinghamshire branch committee meeting.

Mr Smith, who represents the Buckingham area, was the guest at last week's committee session.

The Conservative MP covered a wide variety of topics in his update. He spoke of the progress his Equipment Theft (Prevention) Bill is making through Parliament, with the aim of tackling quad bike theft in particular, and said he was "confident it will make a difference" when it comes into force.

Mr Smith also covered East-West Rail and boosting inter-connectivity in the county, solar farms and other forms of diversification, and food security.

CLA South East Regional Director Tim Bamford said: "It was a pleasure to have Greg Smith attend our recent committee meeting, and very useful for members to hear what he has been doing to support rural communities and businesses in Buckinghamshire.

"It's heartening that Greg understands rural issues and is working to help farmers and landowners at a time of such change in the sector."

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