Equine business owners invited to CLA seminar

A seminar to help equestrian business owners navigate some of the industry’s most complex issues is being hosted next month.
CLA to host Equine seminar at Chedington

A seminar to help equestrian business owners navigate some of the industry’s most complex issues is being hosted by the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) next month.

‘Running a Successful Equestrian Business’ is aimed at those who already run, plan to purchase, rent or establish at home an equestrian business, or simply would like an industry sector update and will cover topics such as planning, legal and tax requirements, insurance and rural crime.

The seminar on Tuesday 15 October will be hosted at Chedington Equestrian in Dorset, a world-class equestrian facility and home to some of the sport’s top riders including Olympians Christopher Burton and Tim Price. Speakers include Mark Burton, a Regional Surveyor for the CLA, Judith Norris from the Rural Planning Practice, also hear from the professionals at Albert Goodman, and Lycetts. The event will include a tour of the facilities with tack marking available from Dorset Police’s Rural Crime Team.

CLA South West Regional Director Ann Maidment commented: “The equine industry is considered more varied than any other agricultural sector. Our seminar will explore a wide range of subjects from liveries to legislation with experts in the field providing delegates from the farming and the land-based business sector with advice and insight on how to run a successful equestrian business.”

The seminar is open to both members and non-members of the CLA. The cost, including lunch, is £45pp for members and £75pp for non-members (prices include VAT).

Click here to book.