New North Wales National Park Consultation

The proposal for a new national park in North East Wales has taken another step forward, with the Welsh Government opening a consultation on 7th October 2024, running until 16th December.
IMG_0038 (2)Wild flower meadow Wales RD.JPG
Wild flower meadow Wales.

The Welsh Government’s proposal to establish a new national park in North East Wales is moving forward, with the consultation period officially opening on 7th October 2024. This would mark Wales's fourth national park, potentially encompassing parts of Denbighshire and Flintshire. With rural businesses, landowners, and communities directly affected, CLA Cymru is committed to ensuring our members' voices are heard throughout the consultation process.

Key Details on the Proposal

  • Consultation Opens: 7th October 2024
  • Consultation Closes: 16th December 2024
  • Consultation Document Access: Natural Resources Wales Citizen Space
  • National Park Area: Denbighshire and Flintshire (precise boundaries pending)
  • Estimated Visitor Impact: Over 12 million annual visitors projected across all national parks in Wales.

The Consultation

This consultation follows earlier feedback on the feasibility of the park, with detailed reports accessible online. Key focus areas include sustainable tourism, environmental conservation, and the potential impact on rural land use.

The consultation period will run from 7th October to 16th December 2024. During this time, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) will gather feedback from stakeholders, aiming to shape the final decision on whether the park should be formally designated. The consultation follows an earlier round of feedback that identified key areas of concern and interest, as outlined in a report published by NRW. This report can be accessed online through their Citizen Space portal, and it provides insights into how the proposal has been received so far.

"While we recognise the potential benefits a national park could bring to North East Wales in terms of tourism and conservation, it is essential that the voices of those who live and work in these rural communities are heard. Farmers and landowners are the stewards of these landscapes, and any changes to their management must support both environmental sustainability and economic viability. CLA Cymru is committed to ensuring that this proposal does not come at the cost of rural livelihoods."

Victoria Bond, CLA Cymru Director

What CLA Cymru is doing

With the proposal gaining traction, CLA Cymru is taking a proactive approach to ensure the interests of rural communities, land managers, and businesses are represented. Following our first meeting in Ruthin on 30th April 2024, we have been gathering member feedback and meeting regularly with NRW, Welsh Government and current National Parks.

With many unanswered questions still surrounding governance, funding, planning, and the impact on rural livelihoods, we are dedicated to ensuring that these concerns are addressed before any final decisions are made. One of the key areas of focus will be the forthcoming map, which will detail the precise boundaries of the proposed park. Once available, this will provide clarity on which landowners are directly affected.

Member Engagement

Once the consultation opens, CLA Cymru will host a member engagement event in North Wales to facilitate discussions on the proposal, clarify uncertainties, and provide guidance on how to participate in the consultation. This event will be vital for members to express concerns and gain insights into how the park might affect their livelihoods.

We have also been collecting data via questionnaires to understand our members' perspectives. This feedback will be essential in forming CLA Cymru’s official response to the consultation.

We believe any designation must strike a balance between environmental conservation and the economic needs of the rural community, with clear added value defined by NRW for proceeding with the park; that does not put further pressure on already strained resources including planning systems.

The North East Wales National Park proposal represents both opportunity and challenge for our rural communities. While the potential benefits to tourism and conservation are significant, it is vital that the interests of rural businesses, farmers, and landowners are fully considered. CLA Cymru is here to ensure that your views are central to the debate, and we will continue to advocate for policies that protect both the landscape and the livelihoods of those who manage it.

Get Involved

Attend our North Wales Member Event: Details to follow. This event will provide a forum for discussion, and practical advice on how to engage with the consultation and our questionnaire. Please keep an eye on our ENews and Events page on the CLA website for details when released.

Respond to the Welsh Government Consultation: The consultation is open until 16th December 2024, and you can access the documents and submit your response via the Natural Resources Wales NE National Park Page once live

More Information

For more information and to get involved, please contact CLA Cymru at Book events online here or call 01547 317085.

If you would like to sponsor or host future events then please contact our Events

Key contact:

Sarah James
Sarah James Policy and Engagement Adviser, CLA Cymru