Sustainable Farming Scheme Report Published

The development of the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) will have a lasting impact on the agricultural landscape in Wales. This week the Government published their latest report as dialogue continues with the Ministerial Roundtable.
Radnorshire Farmland. Photo credit: J Pearce

SFS Update

The development of the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) will have a lasting impact on the agricultural landscape in Wales. With so much still to be revealed, CLA Cymru remains fully engaged in the process, working to ensure that the revised scheme is both economically viable for our members and aligned with key goals around sustainable food production and environmental stewardship.

The Report

The Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS) is set to be introduced in 2026, following the release of a key report on 11th July 2023. This report, which analysed feedback from over 100 organisations and individuals, highlights the importance of striking a balance between sustainable food production and environmental stewardship.

“The Sustainable Farming Scheme has the potential to drive significant positive change in rural Wales, but it needs to be adaptable and considerate of the economic realities faced by farmers. We are dedicated to ensuring that the final version of the SFS is one that truly supports our farming communities while promoting sustainable practices.”

Victoria Bond, CLA Cymru Director

Ongoing Consultation and Advocacy

Since the publication of the July report, Victoria Bond, Director of CLA Cymru, has participated in regular meetings with government officials as part of the Ministerial Roundtable, maintaining dialogue about the evolving SFS. These meetings will continue until the end of the year, as CLA Cymru advocates for a flexible scheme that acknowledges the diverse needs of Welsh farmers. While many specifics of the scheme are still under discussion, the core aim is clear: to keep farmers on the land while enabling them to contribute meaningfully to environmental goals.

The scheme proposes a baseline payment for farmers who undertake a set of universal actions, with additional payments available for those who go beyond these requirements. This framework, detailed in the Welsh Government’s consultation response, underscores the need for efficiency and environmental responsibility in future farming practices

Collaboration with Stakeholders

CLA Cymru continues to work closely with farming unions and other key stakeholders, emphasising the importance of creating a scheme that is both sustainable and profitable. Our ongoing discussions focus on ensuring that new environmental regulations do not undermine the productivity or financial stability of farms across Wales.

Looking Ahead

With the SFS now scheduled for 2026, CLA Cymru remains committed to gathering member feedback and refining our advocacy efforts. The extended timeline offers an opportunity for further input, ensuring that the final scheme works for the diverse agricultural landscape of Wales. We will continue to advocate for a balanced and effective solution.

For more information and to get involved, please contact CLA Cymru at

Key contact:

Victoria Bond Rees preferred head-and-shoulders photo
Victoria Bond Director, CLA Cymru