Future Energy - CLA Cymru on New Government Committee

CLA Cymru Director Victoria Bond has been invited to sit on a new Welsh Government Committee overseeing the future of energy, renewables and the grid in Wales
Proposed Pylons in Mid Wales Campaigners

Shaping Wales' Renewable Energy Future

CLA Cymru Director Victoria Bond, has been invited to join the new Welsh Government Independent Advisory Group on the Future Electricity Grid for Wales. This initiative led by Jeremy Miles, the abinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Languarge, aims to shape the future of the electrical infrastructure across the nation by developing a comprehensive set of guiding principles.

Energy is a key topic in Wales, with the onset of a Nuclear Powerplant proposal, Renewable Off-Shore debates, Solar Farm planning and the Pylon and grid entry proposal routes, which have garnered controversy across mid Wales.

The group is a crucial platform for shaping energy policies that support the transition to renewable energy and sustainable practices in Wales. This committee, part of the broader Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee, plays a vital role in developing strategies to meet Wales' ambitious renewable energy targets and Net Zero goals by 2050.

Future Energy Grids for Wales

One of the key initiatives overseen by this committee is the "Future Energy Grids for Wales" project, which outlines pathways to a Net Zero compliant energy system by 2050. This project involves extensive modelling and scenario analysis to inform the Welsh Government's energy policies. CLA Cymru's involvement ensures that the interests of rural communities and businesses are represented in these critical discussions, particularly in areas such as energy infrastructure development and the integration of renewable energy sources.

Focus on Renewable Energy

The Welsh Government has set a target to meet 100% of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2035. To facilitate this goal they need to address challenges such as grid connectivity, planning system delays, and the deployment of renewable technologies. CLA Cymru advocates for policies that support rural businesses in adopting renewable energy solutions, whilst mindful of any impact on our rural landscapes and businesses of planning and implementing the grid or energy sources.

Ynni Cymru Initiative

Another significant development is the launch of Ynni Cymru, a publicly-owned energy company aimed at expanding community-owned renewable energy projects across Wales. Ynni Cymru aims to retain economic benefits within local communities and contributes to Wales' Net Zero ambitions.

Advocacy and Impact

CLA Cymru’s active participation in the Future Energy Committee ensures that the unique needs of rural Wales are considered in the formulation of energy policies.

Through strategic engagement and advocacy, CLA Cymru continues to influence energy policies that foster sustainable growth and innovation in Wales' rural areas. This involvement not only drives the adoption of renewable energy but also ensures that rural landscapes, businesses and communities are considered within Wales' energy transition.

"We are delighted to be involved in such an important future facing committee and will continue to advocate for our members in the full spectrum of rural issues"​.

Victoria Bond, Director CLA Cymru

Key contact:

Sarah James
Sarah James Policy and Engagement Adviser, CLA Cymru