One-to-one support pilot for business development in Wales

CLA Cymru plans the first of its' Business Hubs to support members developing their businesses.
Monmouthshire Business Hub mosaic RD
Experts from four main sources of support will be on hand to discuss your business plans.

CLA Cymru launches its’ Business Hub Cymru. Business managers can come along and work through business development plans with experts from the Development Bank of Wales, Monmouthshire County Council and Business Wales.

Are you looking to diversify or further develop your business? Do you need business support or funding? CLA Cymru is forming a business hub for our members, where we will bring together relevant experts in the room at the same time, to help you work through your plans, and to introduce you to potential banks and funders.

Sarah James, CLA Cymru, Policy and Engagement Adviser, says, “Members with business interests in Wales can benefit from an initiative to help navigate the system of business support in Wales – including investment from the Development Bank of Wales and grants, training and support from Business Wales – an arm of the Welsh Government and Monmouthshire County Council’s economic development team.”

"This first Business Hub event will be trialled in Monmouthshire on 14th March. We will bring the Development Bank of Wales to Monmouthshire County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, along with the Local Authority Business Adviser and Business Wales, to provide members with one-on-one advice Booking is essential.”

The Development Bank for Wales’ Michelle Noble says, “We’re here to help businesses in Wales find out more about local support. Working together we can provide funding to start or expand a business, supporting entrepreneurs with funding in order to purchase new equipment or even buy a business.”

Sarah James adds, “In these times, where diversification may be key to maintaining a sustainable business, we would love to hear from members: however small or big your idea is, we believe we can help.”

CLA Cymru will be hosting similar events across Wales, so watch this space and please do get in touch ( to request an event in your area.

Key contact:

Sarah James
Sarah James Policy and Engagement Adviser, CLA Cymru