Rural Wales must be wired-in when we switch on the Electric Vehicles charging strategy

Wales' vision for an Electric Vehicles' charging strategy is exciting and ambitious, but let's not create more rural technological "not-spots"

The Welsh Government must switch-on to the vital principle that a successful strategy must serve rural businesses fairly ensuring there are no more rural technological not-spots, and both power and vehicles need to be within reach of the rural community’s pocket

Nigel Hollett, CLA Cymru Director
The Welsh Government's electric vehicles charging infrastructure is urban-focused and should take advantage of what the rural environment can offer - and serve countryside communities effectively - from the moment the switch is flicked

“Wales’ electric vehicles (EV) charging strategy needs to be plugged-in to the needs of the rural community,” says Nigel Hollett, CLA Cymru’s Director, as the deadline looms (24 February) for the Welsh Government’s consultation on the subject.

“Meeting – or exceeding - the Welsh Government’s net-zero by 2050 target, is front-of-mind. This vision may have a huge role to play, and enables the whole community to feel part of positive change. Rural Wales has a major contribution to make in delivering renewable energy direct into the grid and space for sites for EV charging points. But the Welsh Government must switch-on to the vital principle that a successful strategy must serve rural businesses fairly ensuring there are no more rural technological not-spots, and both power and vehicles need to be within reach of the rural community’s pocket.”

Nigel adds, “We need to re-wire our planning regime and review the Welsh Government’s penalising approach to tax private renewable energy installations. These can both play their part in helping a national rural EV charging structure to develop.”

“It’s exciting to see ambitious visions which will really make a difference for our future generations. The EV charging infrastructure presents many practical challenges: delivering the necessary improvements to grid capacity, ensuring consistency and cooperation with neighbouring countries and managing a smooth and economical transition for all vehicles. These are inspiring challenges to have.”

Domestic Electric Vehicle charger, Powys
In-charge: an electric vehicle at a private, rural Powys charging point