Welsh Government launches its final consultation on the Sustainable Farming Scheme

CLA Cymru will continue to lobby through the Consultation period and will be directly engaging with members to build a strong formal response
Welsh Government Sustainable Farming Scheme Consultation header
Farms and related businesses should study the Consultation documents and pose the question: How can our business move forward under this scheme? CLA Cymru will be in touch with members to ensure their views are heard.

CLA Cymru responds to today’s launch of the Welsh Government’s Consultation on the Sustainable Farming Scheme, Keeping farming farming.

Director CLA Cymru, Victoria Bond says, “We call on the Welsh Government to continue to work closely with us throughout the Consultation period to improve the scheme and ensure maximum uptake when it is launched in 2025. Equally, we call on the Government to build confidence in the industry during the Consultation period and in the period of transition to the new scheme, by ensuring budgetary certainty for the sector.”

Victoria adds, “We will be drawing on our expertise and diverse experience and entrepreneurship within our membership, as we continue to lobby the Welsh Government to develop the best possible result for Welsh farming – also critical for the wider rural economy.”

Keeping farmers farming