Rural Powerhouse

The rural economy is 16% less productive than the national average. Closing that gap could add £43bn to UK GVA.

The next Westminster government will have the opportunity to unlock this enormous potential of the rural economy. With the right support, rural businesses can generate growth, creating good jobs and prosperity for every community.

Our six 'missions' are designed to help the political parties understand what policies will be necessary to achieve this potential.

How you can help

The CLA's strength is in its diverse and entrepreneurial membership in England and Wales. We need your help to share our plan for the rural economy to all MPs, MSs and Prospective Parliamentary Candidates.

Check out our key asks of the next government

Spread the word on social media like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and X.

Request our candidate support pack

You can request a candidate support pack to be sent to you in the post. This pack contains an updated version of the CLA’s Introduction to Rural Affairs publication as well as our six missions for the next government which can be offered directly to local candidates.

The latest in the Rural Powerhouse campaign